Monday, December 3, 2007


I woke up yesterday morning to SNOW! I rushed Mark outside right as it started to accumulate, and we walked to the park. This is what Cal Anderson Park looks like with snow:

By the time we left the park, about 3 inches of snow had accumulated. And it was the nice crunchy, packable snow that is good for snowmen and snowballs. So I made a snowman. This is what I look like making a snowman:

This is what my snowman looked like:

This is what the house across the street from our apartment looks like:

And then we took Abbey out. Now, Abbey usually hates the cold, so we figured she would hate snow. But she was as thrilled as I was. Lots of dogs were frolicking around Cal Anderson, like her friend in this picture:

And she loves chasing snowballs, but she couldn't figure out where they went when they disintegrated on impact.

For the record, she is wearing a long sleeve from a teeshirt with a sweater I knitted over it.

Here is one more picture of Abbey. I will put more on facebook soon.